Blog Articles

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a tremendous burden on the healthcare system, resulting in the postponement of elective surgical procedures to preserve limited hospital resources and minimize viral transmission.
May 12th, 2020

Managing Breast Health During a Pandemic
While no one is immune to the COVID-19 virus or the collateral damage that it has caused, breast cancer patient may be particularly concerned about the impact of this crisis on their efforts to maintain their breast and overall health.
Mar 30th, 2020

De-escalating Breast Cancer Treatment: Mission Forward
Dr. Holmes point of view on the JAMA Oncology editorial that discusses advantages and disadvantages of de-escalating breast cancer surgery.
Jan 27th, 2020

Cryoablation - Desert Sun: Letter to the editor
Read Dr. Holmes response to a cryoablation article where a surgeon in Palm Springs, CA received probation for offering cryoablation as an alternative to surgery for early stage breast cancer.
Dec 1st, 2019
Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy Proven Safe and Effective In Long-Term Study
It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication of the long-term results of the TARGIT-A Trial, a clinical trial that compared partial breast single dose targeted intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) to 3-6 week post-operative whole breast...
Aug 30th, 2020
Managing Your Breast Health During a Pandemic Second Edition -August 2020
In the first edition of this guide, the world was just getting a handle on the impact that
Coronavirus (COVID-19) would have on our daily lives. Things are quite a bit more clear now. For far too many in the U.S., the impact has been monumental...
Aug 30th, 2020

Dr. Holmes is interviewed by Desert Health News reporter/publisher who discusses her own experience
Choosing To Chill
Cryoablation offers new option for breast cancer
Apr 29th, 2019

Evaluation and Management of Breast Pain
Breast pain or mastalgia (“mas-stal-ja”) is one of the most commonly reported symptoms in women presenting with breast complaints.
Mar 31st, 2019

Making Sense of Recent News About The Safety of Silicone Breast Implants
One of the most commonly asked questions I have heard from patients in recent weeks is “What do you think of the recent reports about breast implant safety?” The question has been prompted by recent news coverage of a major publication that analyzed..
Mar 10th, 2019

Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction
Every woman has some risk of developing breast cancer. However, the risk is not equal among all women. The goal should be to understand an individual woman’s risks and what she can do to reduce them.
Feb 18th, 2019

Breast Cancer Risk Factors and Risk Reducing Strategies For You
Every woman has some risk of developing breast cancer. However, the risk is not equal among all women. The goal should be to understand your personal risks and what you can do about them.
Feb 18th, 2019

How "Dense" Are You? Part II: Selecting a Dense Breast Screening Regimen
Breast density varies considerably among women and can also change with advancing age. For this reason, physicians should inform women undergoing mammograms of their personal level of breast density.
Feb 5th, 2019

How Dense Are You? Part 2 for Providers
There’s a movement afoot in America. From Maine to Florida, Texas, Oregon, and many states in between, the "Are You Dense?" nationwide campaign.
Feb 5th, 2019

Mastectomy study confirms 'Jolie effect' on breast cancer prevention
The findings show that celebrities can influence the health care decisions of the general public, said study author Art Sedrakyan, a professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.
Oct 26th, 2017

'Mastectomy Study Confirms 'Jolie Effect' on Breast Cancer Prevention'
Study shows celebrities can influence the health care decisions of the general public.
Oct 23rd, 2017

Phone and Email Consultations
Dr. Holmes offers limited and Phone and E-mail consultation for patients residing outside of the Los Angeles metropolitan area who are looking to determine if they might be a candidate for one of the innovative treatments offered by Dr. Holmes.
Jun 29th, 2017
Surgical Margins: What you need to know
The goal of breast cancer surgery is to remove the cancer surrounded by a rim of normal tissue.
Mar 15th, 2017

5 Things You Should Do Before Undergoing Breast Cancer Surgery
Learn the top 5 things you should do before breast cancer surgery.
Mar 1st, 2017
How Dense Are You?
Breast density varies considerably among women, and can also change over the lifespan as a woman ages.
Feb 15th, 2017

Making Sense of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is not a one size fits all disease, and not every woman carries the same lifetime risk.
Feb 1st, 2017

False Mammograms Are More Common Than You Think
False mammograms are more common than you think. Learn more by reading this post!
Jan 16th, 2017
Early Signs of Breast Cancer
When must people think of early signs and symptoms of breast cancer, breast lumps and nipple discharge often come to mind.
Jan 1st, 2017

Avoiding Cancer Misdiagnosis
I recently learned of an unfortunate situation in which a woman was given a diagnosis of cancer by two different hospitals...
Dec 1st, 2016

New York Times Article on DCIS: My Opposing View
The most compelling finding of this study is that women who have been diagnosed with DCIS have an excellent long-term survival.
Nov 1st, 2016

I’m Pleased to Inform You That You Are BRCA Positive
Most women are diagnosed with a mutation only after they have been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer.
Oct 31st, 2016
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