Testimonials & Reviews

Dennis R. Holmes, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Breast Cancer Surgeon located in Los Angeles, CA and Glendale, CA
Dr. Dennis R. Holmes always appreciates feedback from his valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 85 reviews with an average rating of 4.98 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Dr. Dennis Holmes below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.
Alana O.
Submitted 07/11/24
Very thorough in detail, professional, excellent surgeon. And has a great team alongside him.
Submitted 12/01/23
Dr. Dennis Holmes este într-adevăr un înger păzitor pentru mine. Am fost diagnosticată acum 5 ani cu cancer la sân și m-am temut de tratamentele invazive și de posibilele complicații. Cu toate acestea, în momentul în care l-am cunoscut pe dr. Holmes am simțit o rază de speranță care mi-a luminat calea către vindecare.
Dr. Holmes mi-a prezentat metoda revoluționară a crioablatiei și mi-a explicat cu răbdare și înțelegere toate avantajele acestei tehnici. A fost foarte pregătit, profesionist și empatic, ceea ce mi-a dat încredere că sunt în mâinile potrivite.
Crioablatia a fost soluția perfectă pentru mine. Nu numai că a fost o metodă neinvazivă, dar a fost și extrem de eficientă. Dr. Holmes a abordat fiecare pas al tratamentului meu cu atenție și grijă, asigurându-se că am înțeles întotdeauna fiecare etapă a procesului.
Cu ajutorul doctorului Holmes și a echipei sale incredibile, am depășit cu succes această provocare și pot spune ca sunt vindecata complet. Recomand cu toată inima pe dr. Holmes oricui se confruntă cu situația similară. Nu doar că este un medic excepțional, dar este și un om minunat care și-a dedicat viața pentru a ajuta oamenii să învingă cancerul și să recâștige sănătatea.
Mulțumesc dr. Holmes pentru tot ce ai făcut pentru mine. Ești cu adevărat salvarea mea și nu voi uita niciodată bunătatea și profesionalismul pe care le-ai arătat în timpul tratamentului meu."
Barbara G.
Submitted 11/27/23
I have been reluctant to write a review on Dr. Dennis R. Holmes because I knew I would run out of adjectives.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of November. I had gone for thermography at Safe Body Imaging and was lucky, so lucky, to meet Julie Steele. It was the results from that test that made me ask my internist for an ultrasound. I was floored by the results.
Julie came to my rescue. She told me about Dr Holmes and cryoablation. Who ever heard of cryoablation? Even doctors don't know about this amazing technique.
I called and spoke to Allison. Don't forget that name because she will be a big help if you decide to do the procedure. A conference call was set up between Dr Holmes, my daughter (an 8 year oncology nurse and now a Nurse Practitioner ) and myself. Dr Holmes has such a gentle nature, patience for a whole myriad of questions and he was able to calm my fears and hesitation. A few minutes after the call ended, my daughter called to say that, in her opinion., Dr Holmes was the best surgeon anyone could have and she totally supported.my decision.
The following week I went to California. Even though I had complete trust and faith in Dr Holmes, I was still anxious.The morning of the procedure , I was put into position and promptly fell asleep. An hour later, I awoke and was shocked that everything was finished after Dr Holmes told me all that had transpired.. If I lived in California, I would have been sent home. Instead I was so hungry that I went to lunch, Since I live out of State, Dr Holmes wanted to see me the next day..
I can tell you that I had no side effects. No pain, no discomfort. It is not like surgery. No cutting, no scars etc. Everything looks the same. If you could feel your cancer before, you won't feel it now.
You will bless this man for his talent, his humility and his humanity. There is no ego that gets in the way. This will be the best thing you will ever do for yourself with the best surgeon. Don't hesitate.
Donna B.
Submitted 10/13/23
I wish I could give Dr. Holmes a 10 thousand-star rating! What a brilliant, compassionate physician he is! I flew to CA last year to be treated with cryoablation by Dr. Holmes. My trust and confidence in him are very well placed, and I am feeling great. He truly offers patient-centered care, which distinguishes him from so many other doctors. His assistant Allison is also exceptional in every regard...knowledgeable, responsive, thorough and kind. They gave me an alternative that changed my life, literally...and I am forever grateful! Thank you Dr. Holmes and Allison!
Sheila D.
Submitted 07/06/23
I was truly blessed to have been recently operated by dr Holmes I am a physician myself and I saw the kindness commitment and care that he showed me that I shall try to emulate and follow The staff at Adventist the nurses and secretaries were all very kind and cooperative but ultimately it is the surgeon we remember I had no side effects after surgery and on the night after surgery I was able to share Chinese dinner with my husband and two sons I will refer anyone and everyone I know to choose him to be their surgeon May God bless him so he will continue to help others as he has helped me
Lilly V.
Submitted 07/01/23
I would like to thank Dr. Holmes for everything his done for me during the scariest time in my life. He is so knowledgeable, an excellent surgeon. He is kind, compassionate. Very patient taking his time to explain everything to me and my husband.
He has a great team working with him. Alba was extremely helpful during this difficult time.
I’m for ever grateful for everything you did for me during this very difficult time.
Toni M.
Submitted 03/04/23
Nice doctor, nice staff, Dr. Holmes spent a lot of time speaking with me regarding my upcoming procedure he wasn’t rushing with the appointment like a lot of doctors do he listened to my questions and concerns very happy with meeting with him
Clara C.
Submitted 01/22/23
Very Caring physician made me feel SAFE
Laurice K.
Submitted 09/17/22
Dr. Holmes and his staff treated me very well thru a difficult time in my life after my diagnosis. I'm very grateful for the surgery he performed. He is a an excellent dr and was very kind and compassionate for my situation.
Vicki G.
Submitted 08/25/22
Dr Holmes is one of the most thorough, knowledgeable, professional and caring doctors I've ever met. From the beginning I felt I was in good hands with him. And now a year and a half after my surgery, I'm doing well. But I am able to contact his staff at any time for questions or concerns. He works extremely well with my oncologist, my integrative oncologist, the radiologist and my general doctor. I live in a different state but was able to travel to California for surgery.
Dr Holmes is extremely caring and he goes above and beyond! I would recommend him to any woman who has breast cancer. He is the best of the best!
Mary Ann F.
Submitted 05/08/22
Well explained and take cared
Hasmik V.
Submitted 04/17/22
Martha H.
Submitted 03/15/22
Courteous staff, excellent doctor. He took his time with me, which I greatly appreciate.
Siman B.
Submitted 02/16/22
Dr. homes and staff were very helpful and careing, specific Alba, she is amazing with patient and undrestanding.
A E.
Submitted 01/31/22
My mom and I want to thank you and your staff for giving us another option to mastectomy and taking such good care of me before, during and after the cryoablation.
I am grateful beyond words to be a part of this trail-blazing effort to challenge the boundaries of conventional breast cancer treatments.
L V B.
Submitted 01/31/22
Thank you for your hard work and dedication, and for giving women options. I so very much appreciate all you have done for me. I can share my story with others. God blessings to all.
D C.
Submitted 01/31/22
I wanted to express my appreciation to you for reviewing my medical file as a possible candidate for cryoablation.
Even though I decided to have conventional surgery, the information that you, your staff and website provided was helpful for me to take a confident decision for my treatment.
Allison from your staff was knowledgeable and very patient in answering my questions at a time that was emotional and filled with anxiety.
Your staff evidently follows your lead in promoting a positive and kind atmosphere for your patients.
Thank you for your time.
E H.
Submitted 12/24/21
Hi Dr. Holmes, one year ago today your excellent surgical skills gave me the very best of Christmas presents by sending me home cancer-free at the end of the day! Thank you for saving my life and for the kindness with which you approach your patients in your practice. You made facing one of the most frightening experiences of my life much easier to navigate. I am so grateful that my primary care doctor sent me your way.
R K.
Submitted 12/22/21
I am so glad that I spoke up for myself 2.5 years ago to request you as my breast surgeon. I can’t image what my experience would have been like if you weren’t part of my team.
I was so fearful of this whole process. However, your knowledge, thoroughness, and compassion and the time you spent with me to work through the process was invaluable and put my mind at ease.
Thanks for always answering all of my questions and addressing any concerns I may have. You are the best Dr. Holmes.
Alba, thank you for always returning my phone calls and getting me in emergency or not. Both you and Dr. Holmes make on amazing team!
Bella D.
Submitted 12/20/21
I am very happy to be able to have Dr. Holmes as my surgeon. He is great - a real doctor, who is sincerely concerned with his patients’ well being. He is knowledgable, kind and easy to communicate with. His office staff is professional and efficient.
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